This week we had a lot of good stuff happen. For example, we had 3 baptismal interviews yesterday as well as a baptism! All passed! Two of these people that were interviewed are some twins that I will be baptising this Sunday. Their names are Leila and Leah. I first found Leila a month and a half ago. She was prepared from the beginning except for one little issue...she was afraid of what her twin sister would think about baptism. Well, she invited her sister to church and she broke down crying afterwards in the lesson, exclaiming that she had never felt so much joy before. These twins have had a rough childhood with 8 siblings and a father who died very early. They are both working here in Hong Kong to support the rest of their family in the Philippines. They only get to see each other every week, and often will go as long as 3 weeks without seeing each other. These are their only days off of work together, and they choose to spend it keeping it holy at sacrament and other church meetings.
I am so proud of them and so grateful for the blessing of seeing them progress. I may have had a hard week with other investigators 放 us (missionary lingo). It's fine though. Time is on our side! We just need to work hard!
Another miracle...a recent convert is trying to get a job in Canada. They were very nervous about the interview this week, so we invited them to fast with us. They got the job offer email just yesterday. Power of fasting right!
Take care everyone. As of now, I may be an oldie, but I'm a goodie too, and the mission isn't over yet. Actually it never will be. I'm going to fake my death and then do secret missionary work in mainland ;) That's the biggest dream ever though. Do some sort of 4th-Nephite stuff. That would be LOTS of fun :)
Scripture of the week is 2 Nephi 28:30. We may not completely understand, but if you want to, leaving is not the answer. You need to prove that you really want it. If you don't work to retain it, it will leave, so be wise stewards over what you know and NEVER STOP LEARNING!
Love, 戴依永長老 and 柯長老
Notes from Mom: This week Bishop Choi posted some photos with the news that Brother Chan went through the temple. He was a man Ian baptized in Sheung Shui. I forwarded the pictures and emails to him, as well as Facebook's translation of what Bishop Choi said. 恭喜陳建業兄弟今天首次個人恩道門,從加入教會開始,陳兄弟就充分表現他對神的信心和愛。感謝聖職兄弟們今天給他强而有力的支持! "Congratulations to Chen Jian-Yip for his first personal. Today, from joining the church, Chen brothers fully demonstrate his faith in God and love. Thanks to the holy brothers for their strong support today!"

Ian's response: "That's a terrible translation. 'Congratulations to Chan Gin-Yip for receiving his Endowments, and from the beginning of coming into the Church, Brother Chan has fully displayed his faith in and love for God. A big thank you for the powerful support and strength of all the priesthood brethren that came!' I love these wonderful men. I know each of them. They are powerful and faithful examples of discipleship to me and all missionaries that serve in their ward."