Losing my mind...week 97

Monday, June 26, 2017

I have been getting up earlier and earlier this week. After this last Zone Conference that we just had, I'm starting to feel the rush of adrenaline that comes when you realize that you have VERY little time to get some WORK done. It's not a panic, but I'm definitely nervous. We are trying to get our studies done earlier in the morning so that we have more time to go out and teach or find or call people or do SOMETHING!

A wonderful senior missionary named Elder James is leaving this week. He came to Hong Kong right before I did, and I have been to so many trainings where he would teach us about how to be better  missionaries. This is the end of his 5th mission. 4th with his wife. 3rd in Hong Kong. He's just a fantastic man who I don't think is even capable of feeling disappointed because of his 24/7 upbeat attitude! I'm gonna miss him, but his last training about receiving revelation through the book of mormon was inspiring.

There is a Chinese greeting that directly translates to mean "Have you eaten your rice yet?" Most Asian cultures have different ways like this of greeting people (funniest one was from Singapore (I think) where they asked if you have bathed that day...). We want to start a greeting in the mission of asking if one has received revelation that day. We should be seeking revelation on a daily basis. It should be the bread and butter of our lives as disciples of Christ. The Bible Dictionary describes this topic as THE requirement for salvation, since one cannot have enduring faith, the will to repent, the resolve to keep the covenants of baptism, or receive the gift of the Holy Ghost without having received revelation! Seek by study and by faith! Seek the Lord's hand in your lives and in the lives of those whom you care for.

Just like the sons of Mosiah in Alma 17:2-3...
Now these sons of Mosiah werwith Alma at the time the angel first appeared unto him; therefore Alma did rejoice exceedingly to see his brethren; and what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord; yea, and they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of sound understanding anthey had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God.
But this is not all; they hagiven themselves to much prayer, and fastingtherefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with power and authority of God.
I love the work of salvation. It's applicable to each of us. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!
1: We was on a bus and the ONLY ONES on the top deck! Be impressed with Elder Wilcoxson's picture taking capabilities to take it on a moving bus in Hong Kong...

2: All the bretheren...came together...didn't know any Cantonese...Leaving together...fluent...learning Tagalog...not very good though (Except for Elder Daplin...native).

This kid in the blue next to me was a summer missionary a year ago and lived with me for two weeks in Fan Ling. His name is Peter Chu (Mandarin is Zhu).

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