Bonus post...week 79

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Notes from Mom:  I find it uncanny that on the weeks Ian doesn't have time to send pictures, someone else does!  Sister Clara Bryant Hollet sent me a text via Facebook messenger early Monday morning, from their Monday night.  She said, "Hi, just sending you a couple pictures of your missionary.  He came over for dinner tonight and helped teach us how to use chopsticks properly (he's got it down!) and taught us some Cantonese phrases (he speaks like a local!) and then shared a beautiful message with our family including a story about President Monson from the Liahona about his exhortation to the brethren to be member missionaries because 'we need you.'  You should be so proud of him.  Pics are of him with his companion and with his empty salad bowl to show you he's eating his vegetables."  What a gem, that Clara!  I told her that there is a part of me that will always see him as a precocious 2 year old.  When did he learn how to use chopsticks?! How is he on a mission?!  She said, "My heart is so cracked open lately.  I don't know why.  I look at my 19 month old and think 'Is this gonna be you someday way too soon?' Anyway, you raised a good one.  And I forgot to say he's got a lovely singing voice too!"  These members who take care of my boy.

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