What is losing a sheep like?...week 42

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Notes from Mom:  a couple of weeks ago Ian let us know that his mission is having 2 new stakes opened.  Incredible news.  There were 4, and now there are 6.  So much work being done by these members and missionaries.  Ian had some information to share:  Oh, I have an ORIGINAL map of it. The meeting was amazing, and guess what... Bishop Mak is now PRESIDENT Mak, because he is now the Lion's Rock Stake President. His talk was inspiring and I felt so much love for him. I really do know that God will work through him to continue the work in Hong Kong, especially in this new stake.  So all the counselors are in the very back line of people. The Lion's Rock presidency is the fourth set from the left. President Mak has a pinkish orange tie on (I think that's what it looks like).

Notes from mom:  I asked Ian how they were teaching so many lessons. As a family we went to Hawaii and while we were waiting for our flight he was able to email us, just in time. This was his response. Ian didn't want other missionaries or their parents to feel like they were saying they are better than the other missionaries.  I'm sure they don't.  All missionary parents are excited for all missionary successes!

What we did is, a couple of weeks ago, we prepared a missionary covenant where we would do our best to hand out a specific amount of fliers, copies of the Book of Mormon, and have a certain amount of street lessons every week. We also have a gradually increasing number of full lessons as part of the covenant. We fasted and then knelt in sincere and humble prayer in order to set these goals that would be accomplished over a period of 8 weeks. This last week, I was happily able to report 25 full lessons, 6 copies of the book of mormon, 6 street lessons, and 16 flyers handed out and phone numbers received. We actually worked very hard yesterday because we were not going to make it. Keeping an attitude of faith was extremely difficult yesterday, and I found myself fasting for a meal in submission to the will of our Father in Heaven. At 9:45 at night last night though, after having handed out 3 copies of the Book of Mormon, had 3 other street lessons, and 6 full lessons in that day ALONE! God truly tested us to the end and provided a full lesson with none other than a Japanese Jehova's Witness for our last full lesson that night. It's very humbling to be able to come at 10:00 at night and literally fall to our knees, soaking in sweat and even a couple of tears falling from my cheeks as I expressed my gratitude and awe to our Father in Heaven. There is no doubt that he is Omnipotent and aware of each of His children, including you and I. I love you all, and I hope that you all are safe and enjoyed Hawaii. Just know that I'm happy, healthy, safe, and on the way to being sanctified (as we all should be as we do the work of Him who sent us). After all, even Christ said that he of himself could do nothing of himself save it be through the power of the Father who holds the ultimate presiding keys to any power that comes to man. Thank goodness for His mercy and justice, and his patience with us as we grow.

We were able to go to the farm this week, where we helped a man named "A-Kelvin" get sand out of the river that he would mix with his concrete for his house that we're helping him build. Promise that we were not swimming. We were just VERY sweaty.

Also, the sign in Kowloon Tong for the Church is NEW! We are famous!

Sunset in Ma On Shan from the Apartment window during exchanges.

We also had Yoshi, the fourth of the three Nephites, gave us all cake for a birthday that happened in the OTHER district that was meeting across the hall. Love him to death, and he is working on loving us to death as well by giving us food.

Sorry mixed up the map of the new 6 STAKES in the mission. Here's the cakes.

Don't be too depressed by the title of the email. This week was actually more successful than I think I have ever felt on my mission. We really have miracles happening here every hour of the day, and if we're not seeing them, we get on our knees and pray to either have our eyes opened to them or for the strength to bring them about. Reliance on the Father of Heaven and Earth would obviously make the work a lot more simple and manageable, though I don't think that I will ever be able to say that it makes it easier. There are ALWAYS the sheep who are falling away, or the investigators who just can't take it any more, or the missionary (that's me!) who sometimes just wants to throw in the towel, have a sleeve of potato chips for lunch and take a nap for your lunch hour (that happened a LONG time ago and I felt terrible because, though we are given an hour for meals that's true, who actually needs that much time to eat lunch!). We now are finding ourselves to "anxiously engaged" in the work to even want to take the time to cook healthy food, so we will often make about 4 servings of food when we have time so that we can just reheat it later (and you NEVER tell a native Hong Kong person about leftovers. They may think that you are evil or at least they will think that you are a low-life scum).

Anyways, I want to share my feelings that I had this week after continuing to struggle with a new convert who is on the edge of going less active. He is NOT GONE YET! But we are fighting an uphill battle with him because he has already given up, and the only reason he still schedules us is because he knows that we love him, but he doesn't understand quite why yet. He even said last night that he thinks it nice, but useless that we would "waste" so much time trying to help him. It was a powerful moment for Elder Love and I to bear testimony of Charity. We all felt it, and we are simply holding on as long as we can until he is done with his job. We are hopeful, just struggling, so prayers are always appreciated. His name is Wally. He's my age. He's super smart, and plans on going to Hong Kong University studying mathematics. We have a hope that he will continue to keep commitments, and we will be walking alongside him for the remainder of time that he's willing to walk with us. I remember doing a Strong-man workout with my brother simon where we did  something called the farmer's carry. If I remember correctly it was about 225 lbs per hand that you would just have to pick up and walk in a circle for as long as you could. I found myself just conflicting in my mind as I told myself not to let go, but my hands screaming that it HURT! After walking with it for a while, I no longer had control over my hands and they fell with the most disappointing thud to the ground that I may have ever heard.

We must be careful that we are not letting these people in our lives lead us my a rope and drag us through the dirt as we strive to keep the commandment to "bear one another's burdens." However, we MUST HOLD ON! The salvation of our brother's and sister's souls may at times be resting on our shoulders. Just remember, and find hope in the atonement of Christ, realizing that in reality, it is all of us that are hanging on to HIS everlasting grip. He will not let go of us. It will always be us letting go of HIM, So remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God, and also that it will ALL be worth it in the end. Have a hope for a better tomorrow. Relish in the blessings that you have, and plead for more and for the capacity to bless others.
Keep the faith, and in line with that should be to keep the HOPE! 2 Nephi 31:20 and 1 Peter 3:15!

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