Another Baptism to be getting ready for...week 33

Monday, April 4, 2016

HALO FAMIRY! HALO EVERYBODY ELSE! We have a new baptism to be getting ready for at the end of May in Tai Wai. His name is Kenny. He's super cool. He actually is a former from about 2 years ago. He has a very cool background in religion because about 7 years ago, he actually was put in prison for selling illegal substances. After he got out, he found his family very sad upon his return home. They were scared of him. They didn't know what he would be like. He didn't know what to do. Then a friend, not of our faith, offered his hope in God. Very basic knowledge, but he knew it was all true. He has known for a few years now that God loves him, and he said that this same feeling is in his heart every time he meets with us, prays, or hears the name Joseph Smith. He's very specific, especially in his prayers, and they have only become more powerful as he learns more about the nature of the Godhead.

I've been studying that a lot this week, and I have found that it's very true that the first eternal truth that Satan attacked at the time of apostasy was man's understanding of the nature of the Godhead. I would like to bear testimony that Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son, face to face. I have gained, by personal experience, a knowledge that they are in perfect bodies of flesh and bone. The spirit was also present at the time of the First Vision of Joseph Smith. Though we cannot see Him, he is the one we can most often feel, being a messenger from the Father to all who will open his heart to His gospel. They have the same mission, the same purpose, and that is to help us become perfect as our Father is. They love us, and if we trust them, they will guide us. We must be willing to walk the path that has been given though. We must be submissive, gentle, easy to be entreated, and having charity and humility (refer to Alma 7:23-24). Not much more to say. Remember to cherish the words of the prophets, especially the ones that have been handed to you TODAY on a Silver Platter named General Conference. Take care, and remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.

From Mom-a few fun things that happened this week that Elder Walker shared:  
"Last month we had a list of words that we banned as an apartment (for example:  referring to Elders as "guys", dang it, gosh, etc.) and we kept a tally throughout the week, and whoever had the most at the end of the week has to buy a bag of Tim Tams and at the end of the month we would slam them. Well, there were a few ties so we had a huge pile of Tim Tams and last Thursday we slammed them!"

Pictures from this week are endearing.  "Cross Eyed-ness for fun and because I didn't have anything else to send... I also figured out how to cross one eye without moving the other one. super hard to do..."  First Elder Powell:

 Then Elder Taylor:

"It's important for you to know that this is at the end of the day in the church after yet another awesome companionship inventory."

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