On the # day of christmas my mission gave to me...week 18

Monday, December 21, 2015

I have eaten way to much. In one week I gained 5 pounds. I have a lot of money left over because people keep feeding us (that or we have no time for a meal so we just don't eat. Still don't feel super fat though, and I am definitely keeping word of wisdom standards.
People really like GamSaa (The golden ball Ferrero Rocher chocolate ball things) and they'll give them to you until you run away or explode.

I have four old friends with me. Sisters Lo and Nettles and I get to keep Elder Walker with me in the District. 50 percent of the mission is now 6 months or less experience in the mission. My MTC companion and Elder Warner from our MTC group are companions now in the New Territories. Inspiration that will bring forth miracles.

Speaking of miracles, I found 2 very special men this week. One is Horis, who has not talked to missionaries for 10 years, almost as tall as me and about 40 pounds heavier (not fat at all).
The other man is amazing. Missionaries were teaching him in September, but he disappeared into mainland never to be seen again...or so we thought. I was calling on the potential list and saw the name and didn't recognize it (boy was I exhausted). I called it, heard him and when I asked him if it was Toby, I remembered. He is back in Hong Kong. We have met with him once. We have a scheduled baptism for the end of the transfer in February. What a miracle. I will send pictures when I actually remember my camera in a lesson.

This week was also the "My conversion" testimony meeting. A member of our ward named Sister Jeung (pronounced jerng). She has such a powerful testimony, and she is also one of the sweetest and most patient mothers I have ever met (though not in comparison to the woman that gave me life and the light of the gospel whom I dearly call mom). She has a little 1 year old named HayHay who is a monster and an angel. By the time she had finished her testimony last night, Hay Hay had successfully given me a stack of about 30 hymn books that he had been stealing from the pews. She's originally from mainland, but she speaks fluently both Mandarin and Cantonese. She's actually a life saver for Sister Kino and Ellsworth, who are the Mandarin missionaries that visit about every couple of weeks. I have a picture with her and Elder Powell from last night.

My ponderization scripture is probably one of the most widely used and most widely ignored and hypocritically used. Matthew 5: 3-12, rightly called the Beatitudes. I would desire to emphasize two points that are essential for FAMILIES. Blessed are the Peacemakers and the Pure in Heart. Ponder the meaning of the meaning of being called the children of God and "see[ing] God." An example of the Believers is a peacemaker and has pure and humble desires to do what is right  in serving those that are around them. If we apply these principles in the home, it invites the spirit of peace and charity into the halls that are meant to be the most hallowed in our worlds.

I read those two specific verses hundreds of times over and over, going to every cross reference possible, and discussed it with Elder Powell, who agreed with me that in addition to the rest of the principles in this scripture, the home's true foundation is based and structured around making peace and building hearts that are pure. Look to the children that are sinless and without guile. How could something so simple and tender have the ability to apply the most powerful tool and build the most sturdy foundation? Don't overcomplicate it. Follow the guidance of the spirit, and use the Light of Christ to discern the good from the evil (evil in this case could also be considered confusing or useless or distracting).

When we get rid of all of that fluff, The extra functions, parentheses, and finish through the order of operations which are faith, repentance, baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost (and renewing those covenants and the worthiness to have those gifts with us through the sacrament) and enduring to the end, we can realize that it comes down to our agency. Learning the Laws, Knowing Good from Evil, and a consequence connected to our action, be it a blessing from God or a curse that we place on our own heads. The example of Christ is given and explained. It ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THAT HARD!

Read the Conference talk from President Monson from the Sunday Morning Session. There's more in there than you can find.


PS Chance, I might end up actually being your trainer when you show up. That is my reason for pushing myself really hard right now for language. Who knows though. I hope you're not stuck with me, but that still would be SO cool. Springville to Hong Kong like your life depends on it!

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