This week...week 4

Monday, September 14, 2015

Leih houh from the MTC!

Before I say anything, I wan't to express my gratitude to my whole family, extended or no. Pictures from Freddy and Flossy as well as letters and emails from friends and family. You really help me remember my purpose and what one missionary can bring to pass in a family. So much potential happiness is in store if I only do what I am told! 

It's an amazing opportunity to yoke myself beside the spirit. The choir conductor told us yesterday that when we do this, we need to remember that it isn't that we are equally yoking ourselves. More like you have Babe the big Blue ox on one side and a bunch of cats hanging on for dear life on the other side, some amazed at the strength and stamina of this massive ox, some others complaining about the bumps in the road. No one likes those kind of cats.

No we didn't see the area conference. It was not addressed to us. Thank you for some of the main points though. I will see if I can find more details today.

Go Red Devils! Are my spiritually amplified senses detecting a perfect season for Simon and his team? We will see. I'm so proud of all of my brothers (and Ana, can't forget Ana) for playing clean, playing hard, and playing happy! Don't let anything get to you, because that will only distract from the real work that is for you to do. Even in the chaos of the field or the classroom, you should be primarily striving to heed the promptings of the Spirit. That is why we have seminary every other day, or for Ana every morning (push on Ana, you're stronger than I was). You will begin to realize that school and sports are easier to progress in and temptations around you begin to minimize in effect. This comes as you strive to focus on what matters most.

I watched Character of Christ for the second time yesterday. New items of focus: In Matt 4, the temptations that are given such as stone to bread, casting from the wall, and trading his glory for worldly possessions are only secondary. The primary temptation is "IF ye be the Son of God..." Remember your divine nature as sons and daughters of the most high God.

I wen't to the temple REALLY early today. Woke up at 5 am and we got to the temple at 5:30 (by the way I can tell time in Cantonese really easily now. I even have my purpose memorized!). We did both initiatories and an endowment session. Nice change of scenery and I got to go on an exchange with Elder Daplin, my best Philipino friend. Forgot my camera though. Sorry.

HA! Funny story, we were trying to convince an investigator to read a Book of Mormon on Saturday, and we couldn't find out why he was saying that he couldn't read it. I felt prompted then to take out my own personal set of cantonese scriptures and place them on my desk. As soon as I did, he lit up and I realized then that we had been trying to give him a simplified character Book of Mormon, while cantonese people only can read traditional. I felt so dumb, but I realized the influence of the spirit in this act and I am so grateful for it.

A quote from my journal: Are God and my Savior my first priority? I know I love Them more than anything, even myself, but I'm just a man. I found comfort and inspiration in 2 Nephi 4 though. Though Nephi was grieved because of His sins he didn't dwell on them. Instead he went on ahead praising God and exclaiming his loyalty to Him."

I have seen a broad category of repentance and forgiveness as I review the week. True repentance comes from change though, and being willing to forgive others of the same sins that we have committed.

I know that Christ is our Redeemer. I have been testified to by the spirit that, if I will strive to my utmost abilities to be obedient to the rules as well as to the promptings of the spirit that language will never be the problem. I wan't to say that language never really was the problem because I know it can be possible to feel the spirit even if you don't know what is being said.

To all siblings individually, I wan't you to know that I love you. You are strong, brilliant and kind. These attributes will increase as you strive to obey the spirit and become like your savior. Look to the positive examples of our parents and siblings and forget about the negative. Don't waste words in lightness of mind. Be a happy, but sober person. Be the bigger man or woman that God wants you to be. A special promise that I will make to you is that if you sincerely pray and study your scriptures BEFORE you do anything, your way will not be harrowed up, but rather the ways of your enemies. You will also increase in wisdom and joy, knowing more deeply and with more conviction of the truthfulness of the Gospel. Mom, Dad, I miss your loving counsel and your constant support. I do feel it, but it's like a weaker signal. I know that this is required, but I have struggled in the wrestle daily to be the companion and leader that I have been foreordained to be. I invite you to do the same in your marriage and in your callings. You will receive the same blessings.

Feel free to ask questions. I need the practice and I love hearing your concerns and workings with the Lord. GO TO THE TEMPLE!!!!!!

Here are the pictures :)

Yeah, sorry I forgot to include this in any of my past emails, but I will be needing: Brown Shoe polish (dark brown), athletic socks, and mouthwash. Thank you so much mama!
I checked the kit today because I WANTED to polish my shoes. Just neutral and black. Whoopsey.
Thanks mom! Just sitting here on a quick exchange with the district leader because he and his companion had a little bit of an argument. Really ridiculous and a little hilarious. Love you too!

Note from Mom:  I informed Ian of our new callings and he had this to say when I reminded him that I would be serving with our beloved neighbor, Laurie Rasmussen, and reminded him of her awesome treats.
"You guys will do great. I am well aware of the deliciousness of her treats. Don't taunt me. Love you to. Leaving the lab now. Have an AMAZING week and tell Adam to stop picking his nose (if he is). Tell everyone I love them."

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