Ward Council...week 59

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thought I would tell you a little bit about how it's gonna be working up in 上水 for the next couple of months. This ward council the bishop got up and seemed very excited. He had all the missionary companionships list off the names, ages, genders, and if they had a baptismal date goal for all of the investigators we are teaching. We ended up focusing on 10 names. The Sheung Shui (上水) ward already has 4/10 this year for their baptismal goal, and we all discussed how we can help these ten people progress within the next month, two months, or three in order to have ALL of them baptized by the end of the year. He was very determined. He had a plan, and the spirit was there. Even the members of the council who are usually asleep in the corner by the end of the council were on the edge of their seats and participating in the discussion of supporting these investigators.

Otherwise, I am kind of ignoring all comments about the conference until after I see it. I don't want it spoiled:) Hopefully that's not a bad thing. It's still amazing that we only have to wait a week until almost 12 hours of speaking is translated into more than 100 different languages! You know though. Just another evidence that this isn't just a man's work. Romans 8:16-18, 31-39 are just a few verses that are under the topic of "trust me when I say that it will all be worth it." No challenge even comes close to comparing to the glory that awaits us. We just need to really understand that and apply ourselves (easier said than done right). I know He is real though. He loves us. I love Him, and I will continue to learn of Him until I am unshakable! I invite you all to make the decision as well to obey because of your love for your Father in Heaven. In the name of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, amen.

Notes from Mom:  Ian sent a photo that we enjoyed!  His description:  "Elder love and I thought this was hilarious."  They were right.

I sent Ian a picture of a periodic table printed on shower tiles.  He enjoyed it and we had a familiar exchange. "Ah...the chemistry jokes. That's only one of the many reasons that I love you and how I know that its really my mom emailing me right now."  This made my day. It reminded me of the back and forth we have had about "who are you and what have you done with my (fill in the blank)."

I also sent him a picture of Simon getting asked to the Sadie Hawkins dance.  Simon was asked on Sunday night by one girl and then the next night by another girl.  2 other people were asking if he was available as well.  It got sorted out, but was funny at the time.  When I described the situation to Ian he had this to say:  "There is a saying: Do leuih yat heui. It means a lot of women but only one market. People here say that to us all the time when asking us if the girls in America think were just super good looking. It's very hilarious and awkward, but Simon's definitely got the tougher deal. 加油!"

Speaking of the market, there was a great video posted by the Sheung Shui ward.  It had Ian and Elder Love announcing the English class that they teach on Wednesday at 6:00pm for the children and 7:00 for adults.  The sisters also recorded a video, and the other set of missionaries in the ward that speak Mandarin also recorded a video.  It is a great way of getting people to meet the missionaries and such an effective tool.  This ward and this mission is remarkably good at utilizing social media, as well as involving members in the work.  I was scrolling through Facebook after conference enjoying what people were saying when Ian's video popped into my feed.  I listened to it several times and shared it on Facebook myself, happy to share him translating what Elder Love is saying about the class.  It was amazing.  So many people commented on his fluency.  He looked great and he and Elder Love do so well together.  As of today, this video has 3100 views on Facebook.  I'll try to post the link if I can.

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