Voting is irritating...week 58

Monday, September 26, 2016

I hope that I don't offend any patriots with that topic of my email. Just a story to tell that gives me reason for why I'm irritated.
So we have a lot of alcohol here in China. Beer is cheaper than water bottles here most of the time, so that's just a natural struggle for people here. There is also a lot of superficial news shared by the government via MTR. The televisions are always just blaring something about America's political standing and missionaries just have to ignore it. With this combination, you get a lot of drunk old men that see a couple of young looking american guys and they just get really angry. Nothing hinders them. We were teaching a lesson a couple days ago. This kid was really feeling the spirit and our amazing Elders Quorum president was describing Nephi's experience in an Angel answering his prayer about his father's vision. We were just about to close very powerfully when a drunk man stands up from his table and begins to storm over to us, almost lozing his pants and running into a waitress on the way. I closed with testimony just before he go there thankfully (because I get very irritated if a lesson is interrupted when there's no closure. It's like a concerto that ends on a half cadence. THAT'S NOT COOL! He came over and I became somewhat frightened when he reached for my Book of Mormon. I didn't want to make any sudden movements so he got to it before I did and kind of waved it in my face and slapped it back on the table. I immediately reached for it and put it in my lap. He went off about every president from Bill Clinton to the Elections soon to be happening. We tried to explain that it's got nothing to do with us, but he couldn't hear. Then we both looked at the Elders Quorum President. He was smiling, and we kind of got a message that he sent to us through his look. We applied what we had just discussed and decided to do our closing prayer right then. The investigator looked a little surprised, but he too bowed his head and the Elders Quorum president offered the prayer. Nothing crazy. He didn't talk to the drunk man or anything. When we lifted our heads though, the man was gone. The investigator then said "well, now I know that it works too!" Brothers and Sisters, God works in mysterious ways.

I cannot tell you the buzz among the missionaries here with conference coming up. I've already been getting ready for a month. Some missionaries have been even longer. Be ready everybody. You never know when china's gonna open, and General Conference is the place for it to happen...
Chinese characters are the worst and best things ever. I'm finally beginning to understand what stuff says! Then I realize that other than the scriptures, I wasn't really missing out on much. Just a bunch of useless advertisements.

Pictures of the bike crew:

Notes from mom:  In my email to Ian for this week I asked him about the missionaries from Korea teaching Korean class, in addition to the English classes the other missionaries teach.  I don't know if these people going to the class like the culture or if it's because they idolize them because they are considered the "pretty-Chinese people". Whatever gets 'em to come though right?:)"

I also told him that we gave the local missionaries a ride home last week.  They were great.  The trainer, Elder Moore, was from Missouri, and his companion he is now training is from North Carolina.  His name is actually Ian Taylor too!  Elder Moore cited a quote from Rex C. Reeve:  
"These are days of great missionary service. Over thirty thousand young men and women, together with faithful, devoted couples, are carrying this message to many nations and lands. [HA!  This number is now over 85,000].  Never before in this dispensation has such a worldwide effort been made to reach every soul in the earth. It is great, and we are mindful of the time and means which you and many others have so willingly given to this purpose.

But as great as our effort has been, it is still far, far from being enough. If we are going to carry this message to every land, every nation, every people, every soul as our great missionary prophet-leader has directed us, there is still one part of this vital missionary force that has not been awakened. It is like a sleeping giant waiting to be aroused. When this sleeping giant is fully awakened, the day of the sickle will have come to an end, and the day of the combine will come in. The harvest will be in millions in place of thousands, as it is today.

The great need today in missionary work is to have all the members, every member—those who bear His name, those who have had a witness—pull aside the curtains of fear and reach out in love to our friends and relatives and neighbors and let them know that we really care about them and warm them with our love, that they may know that we really do care for them as our brothers and sisters, that they too might enjoy these great blessings.” 

Here was Ian's response:  
The Utah missionaries probably understand the same truthfulness of the message that they shared with you as I do. I have used a sickle here. It is NOT effective. It's fun, and you feel like you are some cool guy taking it back to the 19th century and old schooling the field. It's not useful though. The organization of the church is literally a well oiled reaping machine that for the time being is being primed for the starting of it's engine. A sleeping giant...I like that. Have you ever thought that our family is part of that sleeping giant?"

I also asked him about sweet Sister Yeung.  She is doing so well, and he related a story from that Sunday:  
"Funny thing about sister Yeung, she called us on Sunday and said the biggest miracle happened. She prayed the night before that everyone would be nice and that she would be accepted into the ward. What she described seemed nothing out of the ordinary. The Bishop asked her to stand and recognized her recent start on the Lord's path and the other teachers in the classes did likewise. She took this seemingly commonplace occurrence and magnified it though. She was so grateful for the leaders of the church and her testimony of prayer was strengthened. I think that she is an example of a principle of gratitude that I am in dire need of learning. D&C 78:19!"

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