Week 89

Monday, May 1, 2017

Notes from Mom:  we didn't get a traditional weekly email from Ian this week.  Instead, we went back and forth with him trying to give us access to his gmail account so we could view some pictures he tried to share.  We got it figured out and got a lot of pictures, but it used up his time that he would have written the usual email we enjoy.  Here are some bits and pieces from this week:

Mom, I need to know where to find them. Store names don't help really. I can get stamps. Do you want just some plain plastic ones or do you want fancy stone ones? How many? Send me specifics and I will tell you price and possibility. Paper cuts are definitely hard to find, but I might know a place. No rush...but I don't want to all of a sudden not have what you wanted and then not be able to go... always be prepared, right? Love you momma!
 (This is in regards to some of the souvenir ideas I sent him.)

I'm not sure why you would want them...They are not really that good...they get dirty very easily. I don't know where to buy them. I just see them around all the time. How many stamps and what names? Chinese or English? I could get you a stamp for your grading papers that says "error" in Chinese...:)  (I love this-I was asking him about some totes that are seen all over.  I appreciate his logical approach to the dirty tote bags ;)  I am TOTALLY going to take him up on the chinese error stamp! It would possibly look like one of these): 

錯誤 错误

That's 3 in a row for NHS momma. Have you run out of room in your little box of memories for all these recognitions and awards? Good job mom:) Way to "dot your i's and cross your t's." I learned from the best.  I have heard from Elder Darrington that Fall semester class registration is open. Am I registered for classes yet? If not, I would really like to get started. (Registration hasn't opened for Fall semester yet.  This week Ana was inducted into the Springville High School chapter of NHS.  I was also offered a job teaching at the high school!)

Looking forward to this boy's return home!

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