This week was really exciting. I don't think I could
describe in any effect just how blessed I feel. I want everyone to know that I
am Heavenly Father's most spoiled child. That doesn't mean favoritism. That's
not true. It's not that I'm better than other's. Quite the contrary. It just
means that I need the most help. I would say that I'm helpless, but in reality,
I have the Spirit walking with me almost every step of the way, and it really
is a panic when I try to make the executive decision.
We were blessed with amazing weather and BLACK RAIN! We were
outside when it started, but we were called inside because it can be dangerous
in some areas (not in mine though). The weather for the rest of the week was
HEAVENLY! The air was clear and cool. I went on exchanges with some fantastic elders who teach me how to be a missionary, even when they have only been in
the field for a few months! This mission consists of the smartest and strongest
and most powerful missionaries in the world...and then Elder Taylor, who was
blessed with the opportunity to be companions with the best one, Elder Johnson.
For those within the sound of my
voice...or...letter......thing, I would tell you to count your blessings. You
lose count pretty quick, and find your spirits lifted with hope and faith!
My companion is an especially good example of Hope and
Faith. We are getting ready for the month of June, and he's going home on the
16th. Rather than throwing in the towel or ignoring the date, he is getting
excited to pick up as many blessings as he can on this land of blessings that
rain just as hard as it did this last week...and that is a lot of water.
Elder Johnson's a good guy. I don't think he's ever lost his
temper before (which he says is a lie, but I think I'm right). He's got a good
and level head on his shoulders. All of my previous companions have had this
gift, so maybe I can learn something from them...maybe.
I send my love. I send the love of Elder Quentin L. Cook who
blessed you and others in the way only an Apostle can, saying that you will not
only be protected by the commandments, but increased and strengthened according
to your faith and love for the Lord. I felt the truth of his words ringing in
my heart and had enough faith to know that God exists, He loves us, and He is
WAY smarter than us. Love you all. Take care. Keep the Faith.
PS Don't eat Balut. It's just a bad idea.
Notes from Mom: Here is a description of balut: In the Philippines and Southeast Asia, balut is a common food that people eat. Balut is a fertilized chicken or duck egg with an almost developed embryo. The egg will be eaten in the shell once it has been boiled. I decided I would not post a picture. Yuck.