Well, I'm STAYING HERE!...week 54

Monday, August 29, 2016

So I got moves calls last night and...Elder Love and I are going into our third transfer together. This will be my 5 and 6 months here and Elder Love will be going on 10! Elder Love is probably going to stay forever.

So we have Sunny Yeung Who will be leaving on the 6th of September for his mission to Toronto Canada. We had a very touching experience exchanging ties with him. He's such a diligent kid already. He'll make an AMAZING missionary!

Note from Mom:  I asked Ian about the pin on his right lapel in this picture.  He said, "I told a bishop that I read the Book of Mormon (again) and he said "oh, then you need one of these. Tell the youth that they get it when they finish the Book of Mormon." He's the best.

Because we were expected by everyone in the ward to be moving out, we were fed by QUITE a few families these past couple weeks. One was with the Siu Family. The old man in the back right is coolest guy ever. He had a stroke when he was young and has a struggle walking. He made his wife's ring with his own two hands, and it is a FANCY ring! Their daughter sabrina is fifteen and, like the rest of hong kong, probably has a secret crush on Elder Love. That visit was fun. We told them we weren't sure if we were moving or not though.

Finally, last week we all had pizza and probably the only place in China that has FREE REFILLS! We had a party and Elder Stone (the one making a funny face) is new to the district, but he came here with me, so I know everyone in the mission pretty much because 25 of them came with me.
We have an investigator that we have met with EVERY SINGLE DAY and she is READY for baptism. She is in a homeless shelter right now, but she is almost ready to buy a home. She is divorced, and she is the happiest lady you have ever met. She described her homelessness as "the challenging path that led her to the missionaries and her Father in Heaven." You can't get more prepared that that here! I'll get a picture next week!

Zone Conference is coming up, and we also have moves this week with a few new missionaries coming in. Hopefully everyone finds their way in an orderly fashion (like that ever happens).

This is Elder Guinn. He is the other zone leader in the Tolo Harbour zone. He is also staying with us, and he will, at the end of this transfer, have been a year in his area. It's ridiculous. It's also funny how some members will tell him that they are praying for him to leave (they say they want him to have more experience, but we all know what they REALLY mean).

Additional notes from Mom:  Sister Poon (Annie Fong) continues to send pictures during the week.  She sent these this week so I will add them here!

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