Decisions to make and fears faced...week 46

Monday, July 4, 2016

So we are going to be a little bit more intent this transfer on finding people that are TRULY ready for baptism. We felt that one of the weaknesses last transfer was that we were too tolerant of investigators that had almost no interest at all in the gospel and really just like being able to say that they have white friends that speak Cantonese. Of course this will cause numbers to go down, but numbers is simply a means to report and set somewhat tangible goals for this amazing and unmeasurable work. I am also committing from now on that my Area Book will be the most clean, organized, and full Area Book in the world. We are going to completely reorganize and refresh our records. It's hard because at the same time you could be outside finding or in a lesson or visiting a member or doing ANYTHING else that might seem more important in the moment. However, in the long run, and streamlined and organized Area book organizes and streamlines the actual work. I'm probably going to be in this area for a while anyways, so might as well start now.

Sometimes writing in a journal is hard because at night as a zone leader you have missionaries all over the zone that need questions answered and rules clarified, ESPECIALLY on Sunday. I am doing my best with that though, because the records we write personally should always be unto the convincing of mankind that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that through his grace and mercy we are saved.

I have been pondering quite a bit lately on the concept of power, and will be giving a training on it this week. the Seven P's of Power: Promptings, Promises, Purpose, Persuasion, Prayer, Priesthood, and Penitence. Realizing the true and authentic power of God only comes through promptings of the spirit, heeded and followed, with our eyes opened toward a Heavenly direction because of a heavenly GOAL! Power is only felt when we seek the Lords hand in our lives and in the lives of those around us. It is only received when worthily and persistently asked for in a humble and submissive manner. The authority of the Priesthood unlocks the door for the blessings of heaven to be given, but there are still requirements to be met to ACCESS THIS AUTHORITY and be prepared for the blessings that have been prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Happiness is given and enhanced by the power of God, and is infinitely exponentialized through Charity, the pure love of Christ.

I hope that everyone is enjoying the well earned and hard fought freedom that is so mercifully given by the Holy Spirit of Promise and Prophecy. I'm proud to be an American. I am also proud to be here in Hong Kong and see that there is more to freedom than a gun in your belt loop and an empty voting slip. Don't take your privilege for granted!

This is Sunny (our 18 year old mission leader who is headed to Canada in September for his mission. The other is our struggling recent convert. We all had lunch together at this place called Tam Jai (the place that has the Dak Laaht soup. The food was delicious and we all had come prepared with our tissues.

These are pictures of our investigator BROTHER LEE! He's getting baptized soon! Just not quite sure if it will be this month or not. 

We also had a water fight/eating food activity with the young men and young women (who segregated faster than any Mormon activity I have ever SEEN! Haha!)

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