The washing machine monster and a bit of testimony...week 30

Monday, March 14, 2016

So we had a really, really old washing mashine in our apartment. We did everything we could to make it work, but when you start having to bail the water out and rinse your clothes off in the shower, that's when you have to draw the effectiveness line. It was a good washing machine while it lasted though.

Elder Tam, who is STILL the housing Elder, came in one day with the new washing machine. It was this sleek new looking one that  made the entire apartment excited. Elder Powell was the first one to put a load in.

What we didn't realize was that this washing machines preset spin speed was on the highest one. We were just about to go to bed when the spin cycle started. We all started tensing up as the washing machine got louder and louder, quickly coming to a level that was similar to that of a crashing helicopter. We all layed there in fear hoping that it would finish before it exploded and killed Elders Walker and Chen. It slowed down and we thought we were safe, but it ended up going through two spin cycles and starting the third before Elder Chen got up and shouted "I can't take it any more! I don't wanna die!" He quickly shut it off and my  mucles again relaxed. I realized that each spin cycle I had been holding my breath. It really was one of the most frightening experience of my mission.
I also had a slightly frustrating moment during a lesson. We could only meet with him for about 20 minutes and he said that we probably wouldn't be able to walk all the way to the chapel and have a good message in that time period, so we sat in an area next to the station that seemed to be a nice place to sit down. I realized a couple seconds later that all the people in that area were smoking like there was no tomorrow. I shrugged it off and tried to focus on the investigator, and for the most part I was doing all right. About 10 minutes in though, I sensed the smoke get stronger, and suddenly this old man started shouting at our investigator about catholicism and how evil it was. We tried for a couple seconds to convice this man that we were not catholics, but he didn't really want to listen to us in the first place. He thouroughly distracted our investigator at the same time as waving his cigarette in my face for a full five minutes. I was sick from the smoke and I could feel an emotion that until that moment had not been within me for a while. It was anger. This man was taking not only our investigator's time, not only our time, but the time of the Lord. I was thouroughly convinced that this man was under the control of the devil and I was ready to either rebuke him or puke on him, because he and his cigarette smelled TERRIBLE!

I then looked at Elder Powell, whom I expected to be having the same feelings as I was. I was surprised to find him completely calm and in full stature. He seemed to be reflecting, and I knew that he was waiting for the Spirit to tell him what to do. I then immediately repented and did my best to submit to the will of the Lord. After a short prayer, peace filled my soul, and I calmly turned to the man and asked if we would be able to finish our lesson with him and then address his concerns. He wasn't offended. He simply stood up, nodded at our investigator, and waddled away. The spirit was there. I smiled at Elder Powell, knowing that we did the right thing the right way. Finished a lesson, and walked away feeling much less frustrated and much more focused on the work.

Prayer is real, and the promised blessings are attainable if we will but exercise a little faith unto experimenting on these commandments. I would invite all to try this, whether member or not. Please accept my testimony and know that God, your Heavenly Father, loves you and has a plan for you whereby you and your family and loved ones may return to His presence. I know this to be true. The divinity and truthfulness of the message of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has been revealed to me as well as countless others by the gift of God's Holy Spirit of Promise. I know that Joseph Smith, as well as all of his successors, are prophets, seers, and revelators of God's will and glory. It is by obeying those modernly as well as anciently revealed precepts and principles that we may gain an immovable testimony of the fact that our savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, LIVES, and that He took upon Himself all the sins of the world, that whoever will come unto Him will find and attain Eternal Life.

The new washer.

HERE is Elder Chen and I on Lion's Rock. 

Elder Powell found something gross on the records...

Elder Farr and I in suits.

Elder Walker cooking while he's mad ;)

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